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Book Launch: Indonesia's Strategic Role in The G20: Expert Perspectives

| Books | Wednesday, 09 November 2022

For the first time, Indonesia holds the presidency of the G20, a forum formed to find common solutions to global economic problems. The forum, which represents 80% of the world's economy, 75% of international trade, and two-thirds of the world's population, will almost certainly determine the direction of global economic policy. Indonesia, as the only ASEAN representative country that is a member of the G20 and a developing country, can play a role in encouraging and determining the direction of discussion for the benefit of developing countries. Furthermore, Indonesia has the opportunity to encourage the global community's collective efforts to implement policies that can accelerate global economic recovery in an inclusive and sustainable manner. Important agendas relating to national interests that are inextricably linked to global economic governance must also be voiced.

The 2022 G20 Indonesia Presidency's big theme, "Recover Together, Recover Stronger," was revealed to be divided into various issues in two tracks, namely the sherpa track and the financial track. The book, titled "THE STRATEGIC ROLE OF INDONESIA IN THE G20 ACCORDING TO EXPERT VIEWS," discusses in detail Indonesia's strategic role in each of the issues in the sherpa track and financial track. In the Sherpa Track, this book addresses several issues, including agriculture and food security, energy transition, environmental and climate sustainability, and development issues such as inequality, gender, digital economy, trade, and investment. Furthermore, there are issues in the Financial Track written in this book, such as debt challenges of countries, particularly developing countries, cyber risk, financial inclusion and the scarring effect, and exit strategies to recover and rise from the Covid-19.

This book is the result of genuine contributions from experts on a variety of topics, particularly the Indonesian economy, and was prepared in preparation for the G-20 Summit, which will take place in Bali in November. The authors' diverse backgrounds add a new dimension to the prospect of presenting leading thinkers to solve Indonesia's economic problems. Indonesia still has many other roles in the G20 forum, so what else is Indonesia's role in promoting inclusive and collaborative post-pandemic economic recovery for the G20 and others?


[Open pre-order for "Indonesia's Strategic Role In The G20: Expert Perspectives" book]

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Preorders for the 1st batch will be opened from October 27 to November 15, 2022.